
This post is to provide an overview of my final year project. I have created a video using a presentation explaining the different contributions of my project in developing a real time route guidance algorithm.

This video explains the new route guidance algorithm developed for real time scenarios with respect to our reference paper – A. Lakas and M. Chaqfeh, “A novel method for reducing road traffic congestion using vehicular communication,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010, pp. 16–20.


Vidhoon V.

Hello world!

Hi, This blog is an online documentation of my Final year project, “A Dynamic Real Time  Route Guidance System”.

I did this project under the guidance of Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi, Professor, Department of Information Science and Technology, College of Engineering (Guindy Campus), Anna University. My team mates for this project include Naveen G and Kannan Venkat.



Vidhoon V 🙂